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Special Note: In accordance with Connecticut statutes § 46b-146, 54-7o, or 54-142a, an applicant is not required to disclose the existence of any arrest, criminal charge or conviction, the records of which have been erased. If the criminal records have been erased pursuant to one of these statutes, you may swear under oath that you have never been arrested. Criminal records that may be erased are records pertaining to a finding of delinquency or that a child was a member of a family with service needs (C.G.S.§ 46b-146), and adjudication as a youthful offender (C.G.S. §54-76o), a criminal charge that has been dismissed or nolled, a criminal charge for which the person has been found not guilty or a conviction for which the person received and absolute pardon (C.G.S.§54-142a).
Every $1 invested returns $9.60 in lifetime economic benefits.